
  • Month July, 2024
  • Donations $140
  • Goal $200

MPi Statistics

  • GUIDs 31,614,722
  • Aliases 44,377,035
  • Player Instances 535,604,509

Master Player Index - Search

PBBans is kept online through donations from our members and lately that amount has dropped off to the point where if it wasn't for a very large donation (-:Uis:- Clan) we would have closed months ago. Expecting one person or group to pay so much is not the way to continue operation.

We know that it may be hard for some to donate and still fund their communities but if you use PBBans for streaming, the MPi, server greetings, etc, we ask that you consider supporting us. Every little bit counts.

Just remember once the money runs out, we will close and streaming, the MPi, the PB Master server, the website will all go offline for good. If you can please Donate today.
Master Player Index
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